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IEP and Other Educational Record Review Service

Are you concerned about whether your child's unique educational needs are being met? Now you can have your child's IEP and other school records reviewed and analyzed by experienced special education attorney Molly Watson or an advocate. 

We offer two kinds of educational record reviews

The purpose of the first kind of IEP and student educational record review we offer is to inform the parents as to the effectiveness of the IEP including the effectiveness of the proposed goals and objectives, services, accommodations, and placement. In analyzing the IEP, we will either review the IEP alone, or in conjunction with other student records and evaluations, depending on the need. Please note that an information only record review is presently unavailable due to our high due process case workload. 


In addition to analyzing the IEP, the review may provide specific recommendations as to:


  • Ways to make the IEP more measurable;

  • Additional goals or objectives that may be appropriate;

  • Suggestions as to the kind or level of services, accommodations, or other supports that may be needed;

  • Additional evaluations that may be needed;

  • Placement recommendations.


Results of this review may be provided over the phone, by Skype or FaceTime. Call Education attorney Molly Watson to find out about pricing for this service.

We offer record reviews to determine whether to file a complaint

Our second type of IEP and educational record review we offer is without charge to parents. The purpose of this record review is to determine whether it would be appropriate to file a due process complaint with the California Office of Administrative Hearings or a compliance complaint with the California Department of Education. 


Call California Education Attorney Molly Watson for more information about our IEP and educational record reviews: 530-273-2740

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