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We aim to Secure an Appropriate IEP for Each Child

We help families obtain appropriate IEPs for their children. An Individualized education program, "IEP," is a written plan designed to provide educational supports to meet the unique needs of a disabled student.


The IEP includes information as to the student's present levels of performance, the child's placement and educational services, the date services are to begin as well as their frequency, duration, and location. The IEP also includes goals the child is to work to achieve in all areas of need.



Our goal is to Obtain a FAPE

for Each Child

Each child with a disability is entitled to a free appropriate public education, commonly called a "FAPE". 

A FAPE means special education and related services that are available to an eligible child at no charge to the parent or guardian, meet state educational standards, and conform to the child's individualized education program.  

Our goal is to help qualifying families obtain a FAPE for their loved one with special needs in the LRE.

We Work to Protect Each Child's Right to be in the LRE

A special education student must be educated with non disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate and may be removed from the general education environment only when the nature or severity of the student's disabilities is such that education in the general education classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. This placement is called the least restrictive environment "LRE". 

We have helped many families obtain placement for their loved one in the LRE.


We Inform Parents of Rights Promised Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") is a law that is a source of federal aid to children with disabilities. At its core, the IDEA requires that school districts provide children with special needs a free appropriate public education ("FAPE").


FAPE requires that a child's special education:


  • Must be provided at public expense;

  • Meets the state education standards;

  • Includes appropriate preschool, elementary school, and secondary education; and

  • Follows an Individualized Education Program("IEP") that is specially designed for the child.


To determine whether a school district provided a student with a FAPE, we look at the adequacy of the district's proposed program. 

School Districts are also required to provide a student with a program in the least restrictive environment ("LRE"), with removal from the regular education environment occurring only when the nature and severity of the student's disabilities is such that education in the regular classroom with supplementary aids and services cannnot be achieved satisfactorily.   


We Protect Rights Guaranteed Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Both students and parents have rights under the IDEA. Under the IDEA, students have a right to FAPE in the LRE, and Parents have the right to:


  • A complete explanation of the procedural safeguards available under IDEA;

  • Review their child's educational records; 

  • Obtain an independent educational evaluation ("IEE") of their child if they disagree with the school district's assessment;

  • Receive prior written notice on matters regarding the placement, evaluation, and identification of their child, and the provision of FAPE;

  • Participate in IEP meetings;

  • File for due process and appeal decisions to state or federal court when they disagree with the school district’s determinations or the implementation of their child’s IEP.

Unfortunately, disagreements often arise between parents and schools: Parents and school personnel may disagree as to the appropriate placement for a child; or the child's IEP may indicate that he or she is to receive physical therapy, but none was provided; or a school district may find a child ineligible for special education even though the child is reading far below grade level.


In order to secure an appropriate education guaranteed under the law, and by the compassionate foresight embodied in the IDEA, parents can turn to help from independent evaluators, advocates, and special education attorneys.


A Few of Our Successes

For Jessica (not her real name), a student who uses a wheelchair, by the time her mother contacted us, her school district had failed to provide her with any transportation for almost a year, and she was unable to go to school. Through our efforts on her behalf, the school district agreed to buy a school bus to transport her to and from school.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act  Guarantees 
  • Individual education program (IEP)

  • Least restrictive environment (LRE)

  • Stay put rights

  • Free appropriate  public education (FAPE)

  • Prior written notice in a reasonable time

  • Due process rights


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